Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stars & Angels Among Us

I was blown away to find out that I was nominated for this year's Stars & Angels Among Us, the annual fundraiser for the June E. Nylen Cancer Center.

Jim and Lou Gergeni nominated me as a Star. According to the information I received, "A Star is a cancer survivor that encourages and supports others and faces the challenges of survival. A star finds inner strength to accept this challenge and inspire others. A Star is courageous, full of grace, encouraging and supportive to others in their time of need."

I'm honored and humbled. Thank you Jim and Lou.



  1. I talked to Marilyn today and she told me about you ringing the bell. Congratulations! I must confess I check your website usually everyday but missed that last two. Wouldn't you know something that exciting would happen when I wasn't looking.
    You definitely fit the description of a "Star" to a tee. You are an inspiration to anyone who reads your blog. So I can imagine how well you would encourage those around you at the cancer center. Job well done!
    Now you can focus on getting that March vacation planned.
    Have a great week!
    Cindy B. :-)

  2. Hi That is fantastic news. Great to hear. Yes you have the talent to share what you have been through with others. You can help the people that will go after you. Its great to be a survivor. Keep up the good work and I will see you in a couple of weeks. Barb
