Friday, January 14, 2011

I'm Done!! ??

What a day. Got up early to accomplilsh a few things before having to leave to spend the day at the Cancer Center. For whatever reason, the day just didn't seem to get off to a great start.

I was remotely logging in to my work computer to do a few things but repeatedly got thrown off. That never happens. Over and over...finally get logged on, work a couple of minutes...lose connection.

Then I decided to call American Airlines to book the free flight that I had earned last spring for being top individual fundraiser for the local Susan Komen Race for the Cure. I wanted to use it to book our beach vacation in March. Was disappointed to find that no promo seats were available for the flights I wanted.

I also am having difficulty deciding on rental accommodations for that trip. So, I was a little down when Marilyn picked me to head to the Cancer Center. But I had no idea what was ahead of me once I got there.

You may recall that I had another MUGA scan last Monday. They monitor my heart function regularly due to the potential of the drug that I am on to damage the heart. SO...back up momentarily...I was scheduled for a chest x-ray this morning, prior to labs, nurse evaluation, doctor's exam and chemo., fast forward and x-ray, labs, and nurse eval are completed and in walks Dr. D.
First item of business...discuss the results of the MUGA scan. Apparently there was some sort of issue which caused some of the results to be unclear, but from what they were able to see, my heart function had significantly decreased since my last exam. He was concerned about much so, that he decided it was not in my best interest to continue treatment. Totally off the wall and unexpected...I had treatment today, and am now done.

Several of my blood counts were down some as well and he will continue to monitor those. He is still determined that I need to have a colonoscopy... even more so after my x-ray once again will call Dr. Hartje's office to schedule that. I was hoping that the reason they never contacted me was because they had decided that it was unnecessary. Apparently not. He was very surprised that it had not been done. So, within the next couple of weeks, that will be scheduled and completed and I will return for a follow-up consultation on 2/25. But no
more treatments. Do you realize what that means? I AM DONE! I rang the bell when I finished today, signaling the completion of my treatment schedule. Everyone in the place applauded and many congratulated me. Both Ken and Marilyn were there to share the moment. These photos which Ken took will share that moment with all of you as well.

Ironically, while we were gone our new recycle bin had been delivered and was setting in our driveway. :)

I am in a complete state of flux right now. It was so out of the blue. I can't even process the fact that I am done. Much to sort through and wrap my head around. So, we're celebrating (though tentatively) in the Stueve household tonight. Hope you're all beginning a fabulous week-end.



  1. I'm so excited for you. Enjoy the "celebration". It's so easy to only see the muck and mire of a day and with cloudy eyes we miss the beauty of answered prayer. It's been a long, windy tunnel but, know what ??? I think I see that long awaited "light" in your smile.
    You're in our prayers of celebration tonight. Take care and have a great weekend. - Rick & Jean

  2. Cathy:

    Get out there and get that vacation underway!!!If anyone deserves, it, it's you & Ken! Embrace the moments.....sunsets, sunrises, squishy beach sand between your toes, warm God-given sun on your face...........Soak up the Blessings. Tanya :)
