Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Day, Another Procedure

Nearly three days now without eating, thanks to diagnostic procedures. Seems like I should be feeling hungry, yet...

Well, off to Mercy AGAIN.


Sorry. Just realized that my last several blog posts seem more like Tweets. Maybe I'm just settling in with the rest of the Silent Majority.


  1. Well - you don't have to be a "medical professional" to know that 3 days without eating is no way to gain weight. Tell them to shake a leg or the next 5 lbs. lost is totally their fault. ( Won't make them go any faster but might be fun to see the looks on their faces).. As ever, you're in my thoughts - Jean

  2. Pastor John and I were just talking about you today at the office. Just wanted you to know I'm keeping you in prayer and hoping that helps in some small way as you wait for results. Jean
