Friday, January 15, 2010

What Am I Doing?

OK...all that talk about how well I am handling this and how strong I am, etc, etc, etc, is out the window. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING ANYMORE.

I just got a call from my oncologist telling me they are cancelling my chemo for Monday and until further notice. I have thyroid cancer and that has now taken priority over treating the breast cancer. He said it is imperative that we move forward and remove this tumor before it spreads and we can't do that if I continue chemo.

I am dumbfounded. Does that mean the last month was a waste? I don't know. I just have to wait until I meet with the surgeon on Wednesday to see what he has planned for my life and then go from there.



  1. Cathy......Im so sorry!! This seems to be a big bump in your road. We are all thinking of you! Stay strong!! Luv You!

  2. What you are doing is taking one day, one hour, one breath at a time. YOU CAN DO THIS! This is why God made you strong. Take a deep breath and focus on beating this.

    The last month taught you that you can do anything- that lesson was not wasted on you. The truth is the last month may have just given you the STRENGTH to get through the next.

    Feel good tomorrow. Don't let this tumor rob you of your feel good days. Your spirit is bigger than that tumor.
    Go forward. Our prayers go with you.

  3. I am in shock as I am sure you guys are. I was ready to send you a high five for the day when Jennifer called and asked if I had read your second post today - which I had not seen. I wish that you didn't have to wait until Wednesday to see the surgeon - that seems like a long time. I woke up this morning with a cough, sinus, laryngitus thing so I don't dare come over to see you but we are both praying so hard for you every day. I honestly don't know how you are dealing with all of this but I know that you are finding a strength deep inside of you that maybe you never knew that you had until now and the thoughts and prayers of a lot of people are right there with you. Hang on tight - there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
    Love, Marilyn and Russ

  4. Hi The sun is shining so enjoy. We may not have many of these days. Just a little crack in the road. Get it done and keep going.Don't think about tomorrow just enjoy the day you have today. It was so good to see you and see how well you are doing. You are a survivor keep up the good work. Barb

  5. No question, this puts a feeling of being in the pits. On the wall in my study is the saying, "God doesn't give us what we can handle, God helps us handle what we are given." Even in the depths of bad news and struggle it is possible to see hope and find peace. Judy and I continue to keep you in our prayers. We hope that knowing others are praying for you can give you a sense of God's presence and courage for this day and in the days to come.

    John and Judy

  6. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. I know he is opening some doors right now that you wish you didn't have to go through. Know that he is with you every step. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Cindy Backer

  7. Please stay strong - your ability to relate all of this proves your courage. We're inspired by you, and wish you continued bravery.

  8. Cathy: It was so good to see you last week
    you looked great!!!!We all needed to
    see you and talk to you and to hear
    about your good days and the other days
    that you have faced.Please continue to
    stay positive,be brave, and have courage

  9. Dear Cathy,
    Lindsay and I continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. This truly has been a bumpy road for you....but I know you can get through it. You are a special person and you have so many wonderful family and friends that are here for you. Take care and our love to you and Ken both. Donna and Lindsay

  10. Cathy - We'll be thinking about you tomorrow and praying that all your questions are answered. Kari is right - the last month has taught you ... and all of us ... just how strong you are. You can do this. - Jean
