Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How 'Bout Those Odds...

So, prior to my biopsy I was told by several doctors that it was highly unlikely this would turn out to be cancer. In fact, there was a 90+% chance that it would be benign. So, why was I not surprised this morning when the Endocrynologist called and said there were problems with my pathology report?

Here's the deal as I understand it. The biopsy showed follicular cells in the tumor. Follicular cells apparently are almost impossible to get a good read on whether they are benign or malignant but the fact that they exist greatly increases the odds of the tumor being cancerous. Therefore, they will have to remove my thyroid because the risks of not doing so are too great. There is apparently a slight chance that it could be some rarer form of cancer, so I will have a blood test on Monday when I go in for chemo to determine whether or not that is the case.

I meet with a surgeon next Wednesday and I assume will find out then when I will be having surgery.

So, one more bend in that tunnel. I am really looking forward to the day when I can hit a straightaway. Then at least, even though it is long there will be a chance to see a pinpoint of light at the end. For now, I'll hold fast to the song that started this blog...

"There's a light at the end of this tunnel
There's a light at the end of this tunnel
For you, for you
There's a light at the end of this tunnel
Shining bright at the end of this tunnel
For you, for you
So keep holding on."

Pray for the people of Haiti.



  1. Don't know what to say. Just one thing ... I've heard those "songs" in my head several times before. Many have been song lyrics but many more have been thoughts, scripture verses, gentle nudges or the feeling of a hand on my shoulder when I needed it most. I believe they come from a VERY reliable source - an unflappable, unstoppable source that is ALWAYS there when I call upon it. At times I've been tempted when things were really tough to just discount those thoughts ... or change the channel on my internal radio station, but I've found that if I can hold tight to what I hear I often see just enough of the light to illuminate the step I'm on at the time. Please know, you're not walking this tunnel alone. We're all here. Jean

  2. Heart broken to read that there's more surgery ahead for you. I pray for your continued strenght and possitive outcome.


  3. Hi Cathy, just started following your blog today - Ken told me about it last night. Thanks for sharing your journey in this way, I'm praying for you that God will continue to sustain and strengthen you through this and that He will bring complete healing in your life...
