Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This will be short. Chemo really took it out of me this time but I wanted to update you on this morning. They did an ultrasound because it is less invasive and could rule out the need for a needle biopsy. They did find several small lumps in the left thyroid which are not a problem but found a larger one in the right. He still feels that there is a 90% chance that it is not cancerous, but given the size, my current situation and the fact that it lit up the PET scan he believes it is imperative that he take a closer look. So, Monday morning I will have a needle biopsy to determine if, in fact, it is malignamt. More waiting, but think positive.



  1. Hey Cathy: Just wanted to let you know we all
    miss you. Think positive,get plenty
    of rest. Fred

  2. Positive it is... Now let the snow fall quietly and get some rest. Let us know if there's anything you need - Jean

  3. Cathy,
    I recently finished treatment for breast cancer, so I can certainly relate to your experiences. There is a wonderful website that you might like to visit: There will probably be a link for your specific type of cancer, and you can join (or just read) a discussion board. There also might be a link for those who began chemo in December. It's nice to be able to compare notes, share info, ask questions, etc. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to "talk." (I think Mary F. gave my address to your husband.)I finished chemo Oct. 2 and radiation Dec. 11, and I actually have a little hair again! I can assure you that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel---and it is not a train!!

  4. Hi Cathy. I am thinking of you and praying for you and waiting for the good news when you beat this! I will be following closely and please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

  5. Hey Sis, Just an FYI, I am the most positive person you know and you are finding out just how strong a person you are. Keep warm and try to sleep through the next few days and let our thoughts and prayers take care of you.

  6. On this cold, windy day: stay warm, drink some hot liquids, and know others are praying for you. May those good feelings give you strength, hope, and peace.

    Pastor John

  7. Think positive about Monday's biopsy.
    Do you like baseball hats?

  8. Oh good, glad you said that because I've been thinking of sending you this one:

  9. OK - I had to type it in. I'm with Matt. You'd be the only one at the cancer center with that one ... we hope. When Angie was doing CMN dance marathons she had a young man in middle school who was undergoing chemo. He had a set of about 100 hats ... the more absurd the better. One of his favorites was his Cat in the Hat hat. I know Angie has one of those if you need it! Stay warm ... it's awful outside - Jean

  10. I just found your "tunnel". Thanks for sharing with us! Our thoughts are with you! Quite a deal up in SC with the Pet Smart! Monday is to be a warmer day with sunshine! It will be shining on you too! Take Care!
