Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It is Tuesday, July 13 and at 7:20am today I received radiation treatment #20. So, what is the significance of that? Probably not much, except that going into the twenties when I will have a total of 33 treatments seems like a milestone. I can feel myself pushing closer to the end of this madness. At my last exam, Dr. D. decided that next time we will discuss starting the hormone treatment as soon as radiation is completed. That was supposed to be the final step in the treatment process and it still will be except now it sounds like it will begin prior to the completion of the Herceptin infusions rather than after completion of that phase. He has never given any reason for moving up both the radiation and the hormone schedule but I sometimes wonder if they know something I don't.

I was reading about a new method of radiation for breast cancer patients who have had lumpectomies. They do it in one treatment, at the time of surgery before closing the incision. That sounds like a fantastic treatment breakthrough. One treatment as opposed to thirty three. Only problem is, if your pathology report indicates you have an aggressive form of cancer, they can't do it. Or they won't do it at this time anyway. It's too risky. The way the report put it was that those with aggressive cells which indicate a poor prognosis are not good candidates for the treatment. I don't know...there is just something about that term "poor prognosis" that leaves me cold. I know that the biggest concern with cancers like mine is its ability to spread and its liklihood of recurrence. Like I said, no reason has been given for putting these treatments on fast forward, but the meanderings of the mind can make you question most anything.

But, for right now, I am moving through this and starting to realize that there will come a time when this is all behind me. For quite some time, that didn't seem like a realistic possibility. Radiation will be completed the end of July and the Herceptin infusions will end in March. So, I'm starting to wonder, when do I end this blog? Does it make sense to end with the completion of radiation? Or, is my one year diagnosis anniversary in October a better option? Do I ride it to the end of the Herceptin treatments? I can't decide. Maybe I just wait until I run out of things to say. What do you think?



  1. I think you should keep this blog going infinitely. You've always loved to write, and now you have a topic you're passionate about. For the rest of your life you'll be invested in helping others survive this disease, and this blog is a great medium to share those stories and continue raising awareness. I look forward to the post commemorating your 10-year survivorship anniversary -- assuming blogs are still around then :) The strength you've shown is beyond inspiring to everyone who knows you or has read this blog, and I know 'The Tunnel' will continue to serve an important purpose championing this cause long after your treatments are complete.

  2. Hi, It sounds like you had a great relaxing time at the lake. We always need to do more of that.Sounds like things are moving quiet well for you now. It is great to see that the end will soon be in sight. Keep up your blog until you have your year check up. Its great to know that you are doing so great. Barb

  3. Ditto to what Matt said; don't stop! Also, perhaps the reason Dr. D. is speeding up your treatment is because you're handling it so well. Maybe it's ordinarily too much for people to do all this at once. Don't assume it's necessarily a negative thing! I'm enjoying the more frequent entries. Keep them coming.

  4. I agree with Matt and Kelli! You need to keep writing because your thoughts are important to people and an inspiration to those who read the blog. Maybe one of the reasons that you are able to handle this so well is that you have been able to verbalize all of your feelings instead of keeping them to yourself and letting them drag you down. I also agree with Kelli that the reason they have moved the treatments up is that you are handling it so well. Maybe he will tell you the reason at your next appointment! Hang in there - the light is getting closer.
    Love, Marilyn and Russ

  5. You've got some very smart kids ...and a great sister - and I wholeheartedly agree. Keep writing. You have no idea how many people you are touching. One thing I love about lakes and bodies of water is that "ripple effect". No one knows how far those ripples go and what other things they effect. Even when the ripples aren't seen on the surface, you know that every drop of water that hits the rocks, rolls back under and returns to effect the next wave. You could very well be helping way more people than you realize.
    I wish I could take over the "meanderings of the mind" for you for a little while - but I know that's not possible. Hopefully your next appt. will answer some questions. In the meantime, stay positive and keep looking up. That light is out there -
    As always , you're all in my thoughts & prayers -- Jean

  6. I so enjoy the more frequent entries too. Please keep writing. You are an inspiration to anyone who reads your words.
    Glad you could get away to the water for the weekend.
    Keep your eyes on the end of the tunnel. Look how far you've come.
    Always in my prayers, Cindy B. :-)

  7. Cathy, please keep writing. I agree with the above comments that your thoughts are important to people. I also believe that once this is behind you you should look into publishing your journey as it would be a tremendous help for others experiencing cancer and the treatments that go along with it.


  8. Looks like your "fan base" has spoken. Please keep writing. I think it's helping you ... and way more people than you realize. Have a great weekend - Jean
