Friday, July 30, 2010

Graduation Day

My graduation outfit.
Didn't mind the alarm going off at 6:30 this morning. That was the introduction to the first day of the rest of my life. I got up, put on a pot of coffee, showered and dressed and took off for the Cancer Center. I had to be there at 7:20 for my regularly scheduled radiation treatment. There was just one thing different about today's treatment. It was my last. They call it your graduation day. No cap and gown...just a Cancer Center t-shirt which they present to you as your graduation gift. I never thought I could get so excited about a t-shirt. I even wore it to work...the first time I've ever worn a t-shirt to the office. But I earned this and I really wanted to wear it. Shirts and hugs...that is how they end the seven week treatment session. They are such great people there. I really will miss seeing them every day. They are so good at making the treatment sessions a positive experience.  I do have to go back for a follow up exam in a couple of weeks but the treatment schedule is complete. Next up...hormone blocker medication. And, of course, there is the ever-present chemo. But I can really see it now...the light, that is. Never thought it would happen but I can almost hear the sound of the surf calling my name as well. One of these days...



  1. Way to go girl ... You're grinning from ear to ear (not just in the photo but in your words ). Congratulations and wear that shirt with pride. Hope you and Ken had a great get away - Jean

  2. Great picture! You look elated.

  3. So good to see you this morning. Have a great week. - Jean
