Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back From That Dark Place...

Sorry to be so slow in letting you know how this came out...

The last couple of days have been rough and I found myself retreating to that dark place where I don't like to be. I seldom do that, thank goodness, but I guess I allowed myself to start thinking about how finding out the cancer had spread would affect my life. This, right at a time when I had just been realizing that there is finally going to be an end to this. A time when I was beginning to see some light. It seems like so long ago that I woke up with that song going through my head. That was back before I even started chemo...before I started this blog...

"There's a light at the end of this tunnel
Shining bright at the end of this tunnel
For you...for you."

Yesterday Dr. Hartje scoped my esophagus and my stomach and biopsied some tissue. He found nothing. He said he has no explanation for the weight loss but it is not due to cancer in my stomach or esophagus.

I still will have a PET scan and it could show something, but I'm not going there. Not right now. For now I am focusing on that light that I am allowing myself to see.



  1. I was so afraid that the news wasn't good when you didn't post. Thank goodness, so far so good. I thought you looked great in church Sunday.
    My brother Carl was diagnosed yesterday with colon cancer and today found out that there are spots on his liver. So I will be experiencing some of the feelings your family has had to deal with first hand. I pray that we will handle it as well as you.
    Take care, Cindy B.

  2. Cindy
    I'm so sorry to hear that. We will keep him in our prayers.

  3. So glad to see the post today. I'd been wondering and,like Cindy, worrying. Guess I've got to learn from you how to take each day as it comes. You are doing great. We'll be praying that the rest of the scans come out OK too.
    Cindy - I know you'll see this too so please know that you guys are also in our prayers.

    I hope you both can feel the love and support of your friends, family and church. When you get tired, let us know ... we'll carry you in prayer for a while so you can rest. - Jean

  4. Hi That is great news. Now you can have malts and not worry about the weight gain.My favorite pie. Think food. Even if you are not hungry eat!It is a excuse I would like to have. Think possitive and keep going. You are a survivor and don't let your guard down for a minute. Think of all you have done. It is just one more hurdle to crawl over. You can do it. Barb
