Friday, April 9, 2010

Boxing Gloves

Whenever I go to the Cancer Center, I see a poster with giant pink boxing gloves and the caption, Fight Like a Girl. Usually several people are also wearing the shirt. I am thinking I need the boxing gloves. It appears that the new chemo drugs are starting to catch up with me.

My counts are continuing to go down....especially my white cells. Dr. D. let me go ahead and have chemo today, but I will not be able to next week unless I go in both Monday and Tuesday for shots to try to increase the cells. So, of course I will do that.

Also, when he tested my reflexes nothing happened. This is a first and he said it is something we will definitely have to monitor. Apparently, the drugs are now affecting my nerves. I have some minor tingling and numbness in my fingertips as well.

And, still 7 of these treatments remaining so this could be a problem. Time to call on that strength I referred to yesterday and yes, maybe learn how to fight like a girl.



  1. Sorry Friday wasn't the best day - but I'll bet the weekend with Kelli was a great one. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers this week. Hoping for better news next Friday. - Jean

  2. Saying a big prayer that the shots are bringing your counts up enough so you can go ahead as scheduled with the chemo on Friday. How was Wine and Roses?


  3. Hi Just a minor set back. You are strong look good and holding your own. Do not give into the pain. Take something anything they will give you to help. No reason to suffer. The good news is that you have one more behind you. They are right Fight like a girl. Do not give up or you will be the looser. Keep forging on tomorrow is another day. Maybe sunshine will come our way. See you soon. Barb

  4. Hope the counts are up and you can go ahead on Friday. You are doing great. Hang in there sounds so lame - wish I had better words of encouragement. You have done so much with this blog when it comes to helping me get my priorities straight - and I appreciate your efforts in keeping this up ... and I'm sure it's an effort many days. Will be waiting for word when you're ready with the next update. I'll be praying for Friday to go just the way you want it too. Now ... get out there and Fight Like a Girl !!! - Jean
