Thursday, April 15, 2010


Why am I always so apprehensive on the day prior to chemo? I do everything I can to prepare myself and still I dread it. Since going into the office is tiring and so is spending the day at the Cancer Center, I typically choose to work from home on Thursdays, allowing myself time to rest and relax. So that is what I have done today. Curled up with my laptop and worked hard on the new web site...all day. I managed to accomplish quite a bit, too, so that is good. I drink plenty of fluids and eat good food, though not much of it, to prepare my body for the onslaught of the drugs. I push the thoughts of the possible side effects out of my mind and try to block out the fact that I have to take those darn steroids. But still, I find myself dreading the day.

Tomorrow especially. Because as much as I dread the process, I dread missing the process even more. I hope, hope, hope the shots I had this week have done their job so they won't cancel my treatment. I do not want to push this schedule back even one week. Also, my doctor has hospital rotation this week so I have to see another doctor and, unfortunately, I do not care for this person. I try to not feel this way, but the problem goes way back and I just can't help it. So, that is weighing on my mind as well.

But, the good news is...completion of this treatment will put me at the halfway point in this round of chemo. A milestone, to say the least. So, I am both dreading and anticipating the day tomorrow. I NEED to keep moving forward. Will let you know how it goes.



  1. Sending a boatload of prayers for good blood counts tomorrow. I hope it goes well with the Dr. too - maybe he'll have an epiphany of some kind while sleeping tonight and wake up a changed man ! Oh, well ... one can only hope. Will check back tomorrow or Sat to see how things are going. Take care. - Jean

  2. Hi One more day down. Hope all is going well for you this AM and hope you can get through this round of cemo. Just keep busy and try not to think about how bad it is just that you get one more round. Half way is great. Remember after your first round you could not imagine that it would go so fast. Half way there. Great news. Just keep going and never look back. One more day to success. Keep eating keep up your strength,and always keep a strong mental attitued. You are determined and you want to get well. We are coming to the downhill side of the treatments. The sun will soon shine and you will soon be back at work and enjoying your new office. Best wished today. Barb
