Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chemo Day Two

Short post today. I'm really dragging, but not sick yet so that is AWESOME!

I went to the Cancer Center first thing this morning for an injection of Neulasta. This is a powerful, albeit it expensive, drug that is supposed to help counteract the white blood cell distroying properties of the aggressive chemo drugs. While they are killing my adult white blood cells, the Neulasta will worked to aggressively produce baby white blood cells. These are produced in the bone marrow of the large bones which causes them to expand somewhat. (this is how all of this was explained to me this morning) Anyway, because of that I can expect to have pain and soreness in these bones and joints for several days. This will be primarily in the thighs, hips, pelvis and breastbone.

As I sit here looking out my window, it appears as if the expected storm is bearing down upon us. Hope you are all in a warm and safe place and that you all have a very Merry Christmas!


  1. Keep your faith - it will give you the strength you need. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Nancy

  2. Cathy -
    Hope this finds you feeling better. We wish you a blessed Christmas. It took me half a day how to figure this out- once again you continue to challenge me.
    The Best -
