Tuesday, October 26, 2010


On this incredibly dreary, windy day, just thought I would share a day brightener with you. These are on my desk, sent by Matt and Sara in honor of my Cancerversary. They said they thought of me because I had done such a good job of turning lemons into lemonade over the past year. See the little lemons in the vase? Cute, huh.

Have a great day. I plan to. :)



  1. I'm sure that only someone who has been there knows for sure the relief that you feel but I cried when I read your post. I am so relieved and happy for you - the end is in sight. The flowers are beautiful and so is the message. You have awesome kids. I know that you will have a great day. Marilyn

  2. What a lovely delivery ! You raised great kids , but you already knew that. I think it would be impossible to look at this bouquet and not smile ! - Jean

  3. It is time to celebrate. Now you need to continue to eat and get your strength back along with exercise. It will soon be like a fading light. This will really give you a lift and soon your tired feeling will be gone also. Keep up the good work and keep moving forward. Great news. Barb

  4. Loved your Lemons. This picture should be your screen saver.

    Have a great weeK!

    Cindy B. :-)
