Friday, August 20, 2010

This Whole Gray Hair Thing - Part Two

Kelli just sent me this link to one of the headline stories on today...

I guess if MSN can headline this topic, I can certainly spend a little time dwelling on it on my blog. I'm getting curious now. How about a little feedback from everyone. Even if you have never posted a comment on here, let me know your feelings on the subject. Take a moment to read this article on MSN. It won't take long and it may even bring a smile to your face on this fantastic Friday. Apparently this topic is a bigger deal than I even realized.

From colorful Colorado...



  1. Hi
    i write about my own going gray @ plus I'm writing a book called Gladly Gray--are you going gray after chemo? and if so, did you know that lots of women do once they've had chemo?

  2. Try it. The light at the end of the tunnel just may be the sunshine reflecting off your new hair color.

  3. Hilarious! I'm kind of with you though - gray hair is great on somebody else! I think I will stick to my color for awhile yet. For the record though, I think your hair looks good on you :) Have a great time in Colorado. Marilyn

  4. Well, what a dilemma. I remember seeing a picture of you while at the lakes this summer. You were sitting outside just looking at the lake. You could tell your hair was coming in a beautiful white. Embrace it. Give it a try. And if you don't like the look you can always color. That's the one thing about going gray,it usually takes so darn long and your hair looks mousy. My grandma had beautiful white hair. I loved it and if mine would look like that some day that would be great.

    So have fun in Colorado and do what YOU want to do hair wise.

    Cindy B. :-)
