Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Light

What a week this has been. It has passed so quickly but has been so fantastic. It had been a year since we had done anything like this...and what a year.

But, this week, it was like all of that disappeared and it felt like it was behind me. This week, I felt like a normal person rather than a cancer patient. We spent good quality time with family and experienced so many things. For a little more than a week, I had no doctor's appointments. I had no treatments. I had no visits to the Cancer Center. I haven't even worn a head cover the entire time with the exception of
at the wedding. I know that when I get back I do have a doctor's
appointment. I do have to fill a prescription and begin taking a new
medication. I do have to deal with other cancer related issues. But for now, I feel like I have come so far and definitely am finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We will be leaving here tomorrow but in the meantime will fill our last day with as much as we can cram into it.

Next weekend, Kelli and Brett will be in Sioux City to check out wedding
venues so that will be fun.

And life will get back to normal.



  1. I'm so glad you're having a great week. Hope your trip back is filled with sunny skies, no traffic and just a good chance to visit together and enjoy the ride.

    Like they say, Life's a journey, not a destination ... every bump in the road makes the trip what it is - what He intends it to be.

    This comes with a sincere prayer that this next year for you brings more sunshine than rain and more light than darkness. Drive safely - Jean

  2. Hi You look great. Keep up the good work. The good news its only a small pill to take and 5 years will fly by fast. It just seems like yesterday that you started treatments. It is wonderful that you have been through the worst of it and are feeling better every day. Take one step at a time and you will keep moving forward. Welcome back. Barb
