Saturday, May 1, 2010

Yet another twist...

So, how did yesterday go?

Well, my counts were back up enough to receive treatment so that was good. The bad news? The neuropathy has advanced enough that Dr. D. has decided to take me off of Taxol effective next week and try a similar but different drug. The new drug is less likely to cause or worsen neuropathy. However, it does cause more fatigue and is harder on your white counts, both of which are also issues for me. I also will have to be on steroids for three days rather than two as I am now to help prevent reactions. Because of the white count issue, this week I will again be on shots, which means incredible bone pain. I am a little concerned about dealing with a new drug right before the Race for the Cure. I really want to be able to participate with my team. But, hopefully, all will go well and I will feel OK and have the energy I need to do all that I want to do. And, the really good news is that regardless, I am now down to just 4 remaining treatments in round 2. And, that is a GOOD thing.

One last reminder that there are still a few days left to contribute to Komen for the Cure...until May 4. I am passionate about this, not for myself...I already have breast cancer...but for you, for someone you love, maybe for one of my daughters, my daughter-in-law or my grandaughter. My hope, wish and prayer is that some of the funds raised right here help assure that none of you ever have to go through this. Large donations are not required. Every dollar makes an impact. It's easy to donate online...just click here.

Hope you are all enjoying your week-end. The sun is shining and spring has definitely sprung. It's uplifting.



  1. This note brings joy that you were able to get treatment yesterday and not add a delay in your schedule ... It also brings prayers that the new drug will be an "easy switch" for you ...or even an improvement. Side Effects are so unpredictable.
    Anyway - know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and I have a sneaking suspicion that no matter how "crappy" you feel next Sunday, you'll get in at least a short walk. That's one thing about a woman on a mission ... she can do what she has to do when she has to do it! Something tells me you might even get a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel next weekend. - Jean

  2. Cathy -
    WE think and pray for you often. It was so good to see you.Only a few treatments to go. Will see you at the walk!

  3. Cathy ... How's your week going? I hope the changes the doctors made are smooth ones and you're week has been "sunny". I'll be thinking about you Thurs. & Friday. Which is worse - aniticpation day or treatment day? You're in my thoughts and prayers every day. I sure wish I could walk on Sunday but Sarah will do it for me - Know that I'm there with you all in spirit. - Jean
