Thursday, May 6, 2010

Here we go again...

Tomorrow is Friday already...not my favorite day of the week. Each time the cumulative effects seem to get a little worse. My legs still hurt from last week. In fact I woke up at 3AM today and between the leg pain and the neuropathy in my hands and feet, I was unable to get back to sleep for several hours. My problems with appetite seemed to get worse this week as well.

I am nervous about the new drug I will be getting tomorrow. I'm glad that it is less likely to advance the neuropathy because it is bad enough right now, but the unknown effects are just something I always dread. I really want to feel good on Sunday and it is never one of my better days as it is. Susan will be here tomorrow evening so that will be fun. We have several family get-togethers planned for the week-end. Our team for the walk has grown to 13 strong and they are pumped up and ready to go. I really owe a big thank you to them and to all of you who contributed to the cause on my behalf. Thanks to my very supportive and generous friends, family and co-workers our team raised more than $2900. AWESOME. Thanks so much. You're the best! And that is what I will focus on tomorrow during my treatment. As I've said before, I may have cancer but I'm still very blessed.



  1. You'll be in my prayers tomorrow. Hope all goes smoothly and you can have a good weekend. May I say, I'm so proud to call you a friend. You are doing great ... and doing so much for those who read your thoughts and find your courage and determination so very inspiring. Hang in there tomorrow and try to relax. You're gonna need your strength for Sunday. By the way - my prayers will also include NO RAIN on Sunday. You all need to be enveloped in sunshine and happy thoughts ! - Jean

  2. Hi Hope all is going well today. Too cold to be out so a good day to spend the time in bed. I do not think it is suppose to be warm on Sat. Dress warm and do not get sick. Sounds like you raised a lot of money for the event. Hope you have a great week end with family. Happy Mothers Day. Barb

  3. I haven't heard if you were able to walk on Sunday or not ( it was a chilly start to the day without a doubt ) but ... you should be very proud of your Light Brigade. You are an inspiration - as a fighter and a woman. Hope you had a good Mother's Day - Jean
