Monday, May 10, 2010

Big Week-end

Wow...what a busy, jam-packed week-end. It started on Friday, with chemo, of course. Another lady had a major reaction to her treatment while I was there and had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance. That is always disconcerting. Hope she is OK. My treatment was all in all uneventful, thank goodness, though we again spent about six hours at the Cancer Center.

Then Friday evening, Sue and Ron arrived from Denver. We had a quiet evening followed by a busy day on Saturday gearing up for Race Day and then a family get-together that evening.  Sunday, of course, in addition to Mother's Day was the Susan Komen Race For the Cure. I owe so many people, including many reading this blog, a huge thank you for your generous support. Thanks to you, our team placed 7th and was able to contribute more than $2900 to the Susan Komen Foundation. I, personally, earned first place in the individual fundraising with a grand total of $2310 in donations. Thank you so much. I am pleased and happy to say that I not only was able to join my team in the walk but was able to finish the short course which was one mile. Quite an accomplishment for me right now.
And now, just three treatments left in round two. Hurray! Shots this week again so that means more bone pain but...

One last time...thanks to all of you for your generous support. I've said it once and I'll say it again...I may have cancer but I am truly blessed.



  1. Love the Cathy's Light Brigade sign. Hope you have that hanging somewhere in the house. Just looking at it from time to time will inspire you. Also, glad the rain held off for the race.

    Keep hanging in there and "Get Er Done!"

    Cindy B. :-)

  2. Just got the picture for the newsletter. Give my thanks to Ken. Soooo glad you were able to walk and your team did a fabulous job. Take care and have a great week - Jean

  3. The picture was great. So glad you could make it. You now have good funraising skills. One more feather in your cap. Hope things are going well for you today. One more week almost at an end. The time is going down and I am sure you are glad it is not going the other way. You are looking great so lets hope it is going as well on the inside. How do they determine if it is working? Is it in the blood tests? It would be nice to know the results from week to week. The progress report would give you the strength to keep wanting the cemo. Keep your chin up and keep walking and eating, Your body need nurishment and rest. Keep up the good work and get it done. Barb
