Thursday, June 17, 2010

Still Staying on That Line

I remember posting awhile back about staying on the line (a takeoff on that Fidelity commercial). That was good advice then and it is certainly what I am doing now. Things are different than they were a couple of weeks ago. I had several weeks off from all treatment though I still had many scans, consultations, etc. Now, I'm back on treatments but it is a whole different ballgame than it was before. The line has taken a different direction. Chemo is every three weeks instead of every week. It is one drug, not two. But they've thrown radiation in there just in case I thought I might have withdrawal symptoms from not going to the Cancer Center enough. Radiation is every week day for seven weeks. Actually, 33 treatments because I started on Tuesday this week and July 5 is a holiday. I really dislike the radiation. Don't know why, exactly. It doesn't hurt. Not yet, anyway. They tell me that it will gradually start burning the skin. The treatments go quickly. But I really don't like it. Maybe because it is such an intrusion in my life to do it every day. Maybe because it is such an intrusion to your body. I don't know. These seven weeks cannot pass fast enough for me.

Today I saw the doctor and had chemo. My white counts had gone down a little more since last week, even though I had no treatment in between. He will continue to monitor that. Most  people don't need the shots while on this chemo drug. Hope I'm not going to end up being the exception to the rule. He had the results of my MUGA scan. I was actually up one point from last time on my heart function so the drug apparently has done no damage yet. That is good news. I think they will recheck again in three more months. If that's the case, I could end up having at least three more of those scans.

For is just a matter of staying on the line and going through the remaining treatments.  He mentioned today that he would probably start the hormone treatments as soon as I finish radiation. STAY ON THE LINE! They have a plan and you just trust that they know what is best. I am so tired right now. It is hard to do your best to resume your normal life while you're still living with cancer. It's very real to me, but not so much to many around me anymore. In spite of appearances, it really takes a lot out of you.

Well, have to be at the Cancer Center a little after seven tomorrow so as I always say, upward and onward.



  1. Hi It sounds like you are on course. Keep up the good work.Very rainy today. Good day to stay in bed. Sounds like things are still going your way. I am glad to hear radiation is not so bad. Take care and hope you will be feeling better soon. Barb

  2. Great MUGA job. I'm so happy to hear there's no apparent damage. If it were me I think the staying absolutey still during the radiation would be the hardest thing in the world. And I'm sure every day is the pits but you are doing so well - Look there ... I think I just caught another glimpse of that Light at the End of the Tunnel. Take care - Jean
