Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Look How Far I've Come!

Guess what I did at 7:20 this morning. I went to the Cancer Center and completed my 11th radiation treatment. So what? I will have 33 treatments total. SO...I am now officially 1/3 of the way through radiation.

That got me thinking about how far I've actually come. It was October 22 when I was diagnosed. Since then, I've had sonograms, x-rays, biopsies, two surgeries, completed rounds one and two of chemo, had dozens and dozens of appointments with at least nine different doctors, had my blood drawn more times than I can count, had CT scans, PET scans, MUGA scans and more. It's mindboggling just how much has happened in the past 8 months.  I can remember when I had all of that ahead of me and how overwhelming it felt. But I made it. Still have a quite a bit to go, but nothing like what is now behind me.

Yes...I believe I do see a hint of light.



  1. Great Job, lady. You sound so "happy" today and you have a right to be. You're amazing to me - how you do it is something I've yet to comprehend. Guess you just put one foot in front of the other and DO IT ! I'm so happy for you and you should be so proud of yourself. Take care this weekend. Have a good time - Maybe some hot dogs and hamburgers with the kids. I'll think of you this weekend as I see each blast of colorful light in the night sky. Keep your eyes on the light! - Jean

  2. Keep up the good work. Sounds like things are easing a bit. You should get a nice break this week end. The weather should be good so enjoy. Keep smiling and one day at a time. Barb
