Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Waiting Game...

I wonder how much time I have spent waiting since I was diagnosed with cancer. Waiting for test results...waiting to get in to see the doctors...waiting to get called back for chemo...waiting for my hair to fall out...waiting for my hair to grow back...waiting, waiting, waiting.

Right now I am waiting again. Once Dr. D. decided he wanted to do these other tests to make sure the cancer hadn't spread, he got me right in for the EGD. Only had to wait from Friday until Monday. But the PET that is a different story. Why? Because the insurance company has to decide whether or not they will allow you to have the test before it can be scheduled. So, here it is, almost a week later, and I still don't have an appointment for either the PET scan or the MUGA scan. The MUGA is the same deal, by the way. The insurance company holds you up on that as well.

In the meantime, they supposedly can't set my next chemo appointment either because they have to wait to schedule the two scans first. Why? Ya' got me. But now, all of the "three weeks from last Friday" appointments are taken so they are "holding a place" for me on Wednesday of that week. WEDNESDAY? If I have to have chemo, I certainly prefer to have it on a Friday. That gives me the weekend to hopefully get my energy back. Though, this time, I have been incredibly tired this whole week. Don't know if that is still a result of the Herceptin or if it is a side effect of the Femara I'm taking. I know that it is one of the items in a long list of possible side effects. Just noticed that weight loss is another possible side effect. Wait a minute? Did someone mention weight loss? Could the Femara be the culprit? I suppose not since I've only been taking it for 3 weeks. Anyway, back to the chemo appointment...if they plug me in on Wednesday, then they will automatically start scheduling me every third Wednesday and I don't want that. So, now I will have to deal with that too. But, in the meantime, it doesn't really matter on what day they are holding a place for me because I'm not doing anything. Just playing the waiting game.



  1. Hi Maybe you should call the insurance company and get them going. Sometimes the squeeky wheel gets the grease. You have to these days take care of yourself. People do not do their work. I hope you are not forgotten in the system.You look great and hope you feel great. Make some calls and tell them to recheck with you insurace company. It should not take that long. Have a great week end and try not to think about anything but having fun. Barb

  2. Ahhhh... the waiting game. I'm so bad at that one. Hope you get an answer soon and then maybe you can relax. Sometimes, for me anyway, not knowing is worse than anything. - Take care - Jean

  3. Hope this week holds some answers for you. - Jean
