Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm Shocked

I have been seriously debating the idea of pulling the plug on this blog. There was a lot of activity back when I was going through surgeries, biopsies, etc. but I was pretty much assuming that interest was dying down and boredom with the whole thing was setting in. Understandable.  It's pretty much just chemo, chemo and more chemo.

But here's the crazy thing. I just checked my web analytics and during the past week, there have been 191 visits to this blog. Nearly 200 visits in a weeks time. And that represents 17 cities. People from nearly 30 cities have been on here at one time or another. Who are you? I had no idea so many people were following. Obviously, many of these are repeat visits, but still. Now I don't know. Is there still an interest in how my day is going? Really? Maybe I'll wait a bit and see.

As long as I'm on the subject of my day, I may as well say that I woke up to some major pain in my hips again this morning. It was an effort getting up and getting ready for work but I did it. I am trying to stay on some sort of schedule. I think it is helpful to maintain as much normalcy as possible. And what a great day it is. Sun, warmth...hope to go for a walk later and see if that helps the joints at all. In the meantime, am scouring the refrigerator for something...ANYTHING...that might taste good. It is becoming increasingly difficult to eat. I guess that is the cumulative effects of the chemo. When I was on the really nasty chemo, I at least had several days every cycle when my taste buds went back to normal and I could enjoy eating. Not anymore. It just seems like nothing tastes good or right. I wonder how long this will last.

And I wonder who you 191 visitors are. I certainly appreciate your interest and concern. Can't even tell you how much it means to me. THANK YOU!



  1. Sometimes the best support is the silent kind you can't quite put your finger on ... but you know it's there. People are with you in thought, people are praying for you each day ... even if you don't know who they are, they are there for you. Take your time before you decide to pull the plug on the blog. I think you are doing more good than you might ever know. By the way ... hope you found something to eat hidden in the back regions of the fridge. I knew things were bad for you but if even CHOCOLATE doesn't taste good - you have my double sympathies! It's my lifeline somedays! See you again soon and enjoy the walk - Jean

  2. Kathy, We the silent group are very interested in your writings. We are concerned for both you and Ken. It was great seeing you out and about last week. Keep writing. Mary F.
