Thursday, February 25, 2010

Long Day

Wow. After 6 hours at the Cancer Center, I'm finally home...a little exhausted...and very happy to be here. Today was the long awaited final round of the powerfully aggressive AC chemo. So, when I met with the doctor, I was very anxious to find out what comes next.

Within the next two weeks, they will be scheduling a Muga scan to determine how my cardiac function compares to what it was when I started chemo. Apparently one of the drugs I will be getting in this next series is also known to cause possible cardiac issues so it is crucial that they monitor this.

I will be getting Taxol and Herceptin, for those of you who like to Google all the scientific stuff. This will be given once a week for twelve weeks. Sounds brutal. The most common side effects are nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, neuropathy and nail changes. The biggest issue though is the fact that many people have an allergic reaction to Taxol. Therefore, the first time you receive this treatment, rather than join the others in the chemo circle, you are in a room with a bed and the nurse stays with you to monitor your reaction. I was told that most reactions are not so severe that you have to be admitted to the hospital (that's comforting). That first treatment takes so long that they don't even schedule it on the same day as your labs and exam. I am scheduled for this first treatment on March 12. Now, I don't know about you, but this doesn't exactly sound like the news I was hoping for regarding the second series of treatments. Oh, they also have you take steroids for 5 days out of 7. Not fond of that idea either. Could be a long three months.

But, we'll see how it goes. I'm kinda tough, so maybe the side effects won't tangle much with me. :) For now, I need to fight my way through the final set of AC side effects. Been there, done that. Let's get it done. Hope you all have a great weekend.



  1. "Kinda tough?" That's an understatement. Sorry to hear about all the potential side effects, but in the grand scheme of things I guess those are much easier to deal with than the alternative. Keep up the positive outlook and congrats on finishing the first round!


  2. Hi Cathy,

    Yes, I Google and I did. Oh my goodness! I really thought round two (sounds like a boxing match) was going to be easier for you. I guess this IS a fight but I know that you are tough enough and will make it through this round also. You did so great in round one. I hope to see you in the office before this next round but only if you are up to it.

    Take care!


  3. Cathy,
    I, too, had 4 rounds of dose-dense AC and then 12 weekly doses of Taxol and Avastin (experimental drug). The taxol is much easier, and I'm surprised that they are telling you it will take longer. It shouldn't! The good news, also, is that your hair will probably begin to grow back while you're on Taxol. Hooray!! You've survived the worst of it; it WILL get better! The steroids do tend to keep you awake, however, so if they offer you a sleep-aid, you might want to consider it.
    Hang in there!
    Deb--ALMOST a one-year survivor
    (dx was 3/16/09)

  4. It's the Herceptin that will take longer the first time.

  5. I'd like to repeat Matt's comment - Kinda tough doesn't describe you - Very Tough does. You're a woman on a mission and everyone knows there's no stronger force to be reckoned with than a woman who's set her mind on something. Hang in there and we'll be thinking about you. - Jean

  6. Hope you're having a good day. Enjoy the sunshine ! - Jean
