Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Here We Go Again

Well, my free ride is nearly over. Guess it wasn't free exactly since it cost me my thyroid gland, but it got me out of chemo for 4 weeks and I must admit that was exhilarating. Just thinking about having chemo on Thursday is starting to freak me out again. I read alot...maybe too much...and I have found that there is a very real condition known as ANV which affects one out of four chemo patients. ANV is an acronym for Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting. I certainly understand how this can happen but now that I am aware of it, I want to do anything I can to make sure that I am one of the 3 in 4 who does NOT experience this. The week or so of nausea post chemo is bad enough. No one needs it pre chemo as well.

So, not exactly sure how to do this but, I think, staying occupied has to help. Maybe I'll spend a little time trying to rekindle my piano playing talent. Or maybe, try to exercise a little, though that would certainly be easier if one could set foot outside without having to worry about falling on your backside or disappearing into the center of a snowbank. I could read more, work more, or write more. I think you either have to totally disengage from all thoughts of what is ahead or embrace what is ahead and remind yourself constantly that the nasty side effects mean that the treatments are working. Don't know for sure. But the good news is, for now, I am dreading the treatment but I'm not nauseous over it. So far so good.

I've been hearing from numerous people again that there are lots of folks out there sharing my journey who have not yet signed up as followers. I welcome you all, whether you sign up or not, but would really love to know who you are. You don't have to post comments if you would prefer not to but when I get wrapped up in my rambling, it would be kind of nice to envision who all is out there shaking their head. :)



  1. Good morning from Oregon. I am a friend of Kelli and Brett. My son Mark and Brett both attend DU. Kelli visited me for a long weekend in November where we did lots in just a few days. I adore Kelli and by extension have warm feelings for you. I admire your courage, your wit and determination. You are awesome! lorraine

  2. We'll be thinking about you tomorrow. I'm sure it's going to be tough walking back in there and starting up again, but hopefully it helps to know that we're all there with you in prayer. Good luck.

    I'm excited to hear you play the piano. Didnt know that one. With enough practice maybe you could fill in for Russ or Kevin if they ever need backup. If you're looking for something different there are some great websites out there on unusual hobbies - how about tea bag cover design ( heard this one's really popular for designing custom covers as wedding favors ...) or if you really want to stretch yourself there's always duct tape creations, egg shell carving or ...my personal favorite ... bubble wrap popping ! Picture each of those little bubbles as a cancer cell and do them in one at a time !
    All kidding aside, take care and we'll be praying that tomorrow goes well. You're back on that green line headed straight for the light at the end of the tunnel. - Jean

  3. Good luck tomorrow. Just think only 1 bad one left. Time is flying by. Just keep busy as much as possible and it won't be long and it will all be over. Thinking of you and wish you the best. Barb

  4. Kathy, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Hope all goes well, and you can get over this next bout with chemo in a flash.

  5. Thinking of you and hoping the treatment went well. Each one is one step closer to being the last one!! Take care and thanks again for posting all your comments. You are an inspiration to all of us!!
