Feeling a little down this afternoon. I think it may be the realization that this is my treatment week again - already.

I really long for the day when this is behind me. It is such an intrusion into your life to have to schedule around constant doctor's appointments and especially chemo day. It is such a long day. But, I have to remind myself to stay focussed on the straight shot to the light. The good news is, after Thursday's appointment I should be able to go back to just seeing the doctor every three weeks. I have had so many extra appointments, exams, diagnostic procedures, etc. the last couple of months. But, I have ticked off all of them now, so it is Thursday and then not again until early December. Thursday they are supposed to do the thyroid workup but I expect that to be OK in which case I will not have to see the endocrinologist again until next October. I even have my appointment set. October 21, 2011. :)
So, upward and onward. That's the only way to get there.
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers all week. Take care and keep your eye on that light. You're doing beautifully and are a constant source of inspiration to so many - Jean