Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Dentist

It's been hanging over my head for a long time...

I was past due for a dental checkup last October when I was unexpectedly diagnosed with Breast Cancer...a diagnosis which turned my world upside down. That became the focus of everything at that point and thoughts of the dentist were buried beneath other more pressing matters.

When I found out I would be going into an 18 month treatment schedule after surgery, I was told that getting my teeth cleaned during this period was not an option. There was too great a chance of  infection with my low blood counts. So, now a year has passed, putting me WAAAYY behind my dental schedule. Coupled with that is the fact that chemotherapy is extremely hard on your teeth. The chance of developing cavities is greatly increased, largely because of the fact that chemo dries out your mouth (which I can attest to).

So, now that I am on a drug which isn't quite so hard on my white blood counts, I have been thinking about sucking it up and making an appointment. Yesterday, I finally talked myself into it and made the call. I couldn't believe it when she said they could get me in yesterday afternoon. No time to even psych myself up for it. But, I went ahead and took the appointment.

The hygienist told me that they would take x-rays and have the dentist check my teeth very carefully because of the liklihood of damage. I hate having my teeth cleaned...they are super sensitive and having them poke around in there just sets me off. But, I got through it with only minor discomfort.

Then, the dentist came in and very carefully checked every tooth. She did an oral cancer exam and found no signs. YAY! And, the good new, she said, is that you unbelievably, after all you have been through, have no cavities. What? I am blessed!! I left there knowing I did not have a list of work to be done and I do not have to return for several months. Praise the Lord!

Now, if my sonogram on Friday can just go that well...



  1. Don't know why but I have a feeling your Friday will be just as good as your Tuesday. - Jean

  2. Hey, Things are looking up all over. You are now on the right path. Keep up the good work and think positive. Just normal tests which you will have for a long time. Stress will kill so just do what needs to be done and let the lord take care of everything else. We cannot change it so keep busy getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Great news.
