Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Routine

Our plan was to replace my early morning radiation appointments with early morning walks to try to begin building up my muscles which have basically totally atrophied during the whole chemo/radiation process. We would continue getting up at 6:30 but instead of going to the Cancer Center, we would go out and walk. Monday morning the alarm went off and what do I hear? THUNDER. Yep, another rainy day so decided to put off the exercise routine for a day.

This morning the alarm went off...no thunder...no sound of rain on the window. Yep. We were good to go. We got dressed, put on a pot of coffee and took off. After several blocks we both realized that we were being attacked by bugs. Mosquitoes? Gnats? Don't know. I could feel it but not really see it. However, we were determined to keep going. We walked a little over a mile before giving up. By the time I sat down to have a cup of coffee I was about going balistic from the bites. The reaction continued to escalate during the course of the morning. Many of them turned bright red. People thought they looked more like burns than insect bites. And several swelled to the size of saucers.

So, here's the deal. I had been told by someone awhile back that while she was on chemo and ever since ( which has been many years) she was never bothered by bugs. They just don't bite her. In researching this on the Internet, this is truly what many people do experience. Basically, an immunity to bug bites. At the other end of the spectrum, some experience the exact opposite. They are barely able to go outside in the summer because they are immediately attacked by insects and not only that, they experience a severe allergic reaction to the bites. So can you guess which side of this equation I have apparently landed on? Doesn't that just stand to reason?

I was practically sick by the time I left work today. I covered myself in Hydrocortison Cream when I got home and that does seem to have helped but not sure I really want to go out and walk tomorrow. Will have to see how I feel in the morning.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, no ... so sorry to hear that. The mosquitoes seem to be super-sized this summer. How about having Ken walk in front of you ... backward ... and fogging your path with a big can of OFF ? You could just warn him when he's coming up on a curb. Hate to have him get hurt. Anyway ... take care and I'm so glad you're getting to start a new routine ... even if it's an "itchy" one ! - Jean
