Friday, July 2, 2010

Good or Bad?

does the fact that someone has always tried to live a good life mean they won't get cancer? Will their biopsy turn out to be benign? If not, will their cancer be early stage and easily treatable? If they require treatment, will it just be short and easily tolerated?

Up until now, I have always felt and always said "no." I have been vehement in my stand that this is just not the case. That it is wonderful if someone always tries to live a good life, aspires to do the right thing, etc, but this has nothing to do with cancer.

Today I'm questioning that.

If so, this begs the question
does the fact that someone is diagnosed with cancer mean they are NOT a good person...or, at least, not good enough? If their biopsy turns out to be clearly malignant, have they just not tried hard enough...not done enough? If their cancer is not early stage and easily treatable, do they have something they need to atone for? If they are faced with a long and very difficult treatment schedule are they less worthy than the other guy?

Just curious.


1 comment:

  1. If you're headed in that direction, call some of us in and we'll set you straight with some serious "rear-end" kicking if we have to. No one knows why this junk enters our lives but YOU are a GREAT MOM ... a GREAT WIFE ... a GREAT PERSON - Would you tell me that I lost my first and third babies because I'm not a good person ? Didn't think so - Take care and don't let this latest side effect - blurred "self-vision" hide that light at the end of the tunnel from sight.

    Hope you guys know ( and I mean all of you ... You, Ken, the kids, the grandkids, the sisters, everyone ... ) that you're all in my thoughts and prayers everyday. - Take Care - Jean
