Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Walk the Line

Don't know what made me think of that crazy song...guess just because I reread my last post to help me decide what to write today and it kind of went with it. Anyway, this was a different week for me. Radiation every day but no chemo. I also put in my fullest work week since before I started chemo. That is a double edged sword. Physically, I am absolutely exhausted tonight. Mentally, I finally feel like maybe I am useful again. Granted, I have been working from home when not in the office through most of this time, but it's just not the same as "being there."

Radiation? What can I say? It is what it is. I still don't like it. However, the people are wonderful. So helpful, understanding and pleasant. I met an old friend there too, waiting to begin radiation for breast cancer. I hadn't seen her for years. She is fortunate in that she does not have to go through chemo as well. But, being fairly new to the Cancer Center life, she was somewhat apprehensive and I have been able to visit with her on several occasions. Apparently, it has helped because one of the radiation techs mentioned how helpful it was to her to have me to talk to. That's good. It is my goal at some point to put this whole nightmare experience to good use by helping others who are forced to go through it. Not sure how I will do that, but hopefully I will find a way.

It tears me up sometimes to think about all the people out there who are battling cancer of one sort or another. And battle it is. So many of them are really good people. People who have lived good lives and tried to focus on healthy lifestyles. Then this comes along and slaps them in the face. This was brought home to me once again today. But, that is not my story to tell. I just know that I want to help if I can.

No chemo this week. It is a strange feeling. I spent so long going in for chemo every week that it's almost like something is missing now. (NOTE: I didn't say I MISS it...I said it feels like something is missing. There's a difference.)

I have had numerous requests to resume writing more regularly. I will try my best. Thanks all for hanging in there with me.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy! I was afraid you weren't feeling up to writing since it had been a week since your last post. Glad to hear that things are progressing. It's wonderful how you could help someone through this time just with a helpful talk. Keep hanging in there and keep writing.
    Take care, Cindy B. :-)
