Just home from my last RxHealth class. Boy, that time went by in a flash. I have to say, I'm going to miss it. I really came to love it. I can already tell that it has helped me, but I still have a long way to go. The trick will be to stay motivated to work out regularly.
But, first things first. Friday is my follow-up at the Cancer Center. Would be lying if I said I'm not nervous, but, on the other hand, I'm really expecting all to go well. Hoping my white count is normal for the first time since December, 2009. Hoping, for sure, to hear that he is scheduling no more diagnostics. Guess we'll know soon enough.
Then, Saturday, we'll leave on our much anticipated trip to South Padre...to step back into the light and onto the beach.

Some of my closest associates at work...actually, they are "graduates" of my Career Coaching class...surprised me with a Bon Voyage gift yesterday. Bill, Patti and Kuen came into my office with a big bag which included a wide brimmed hat, sunglasses and a sun jacket. I thought it was an intervention at first. They quietly walked in, one at a time, and shut the door. Then handed me a card and the bag. It was so thoughtful and so much fun. Thanks guys!! Oh, and the sunflower seeds in the photo? Well, that's another story. Right, Kevin?
Well, I'll try to post an update Friday evening, in the midst of my packing. So nervous...
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