Saturday, January 8, 2011

Take a Look

I thought about titling this A Look Back, but I'm not just looking back. I'm looking ahead as well. So, it's just Take a Look...

It occurs to me that last year at this time I had just received the results of my first PET scan and the jolting news that there appeared to be a problem with my thyroid. This started the roller coaster of Endocrinologist visits, biopsies and finally surgery to remove my potentially cancerous thyroid. What a wild ride. And, what a difference a year makes.

Yesterday I got my rings back. I can't tell you what this means to me. Putting them back on is like rediscovering that original hope, the original dreams and the original promise that came with them. This time, those things have a little different we never dreamed we would experience more than 40 years ago when we were married. But here we are.

Is this really me? REALLY?

We've been through valleys and on top of mountains. We have been in bright sunlight and in dark tunnels. This cancer tunnel was longer and much more twisted that we originally anticipated but we are now definitely looking at that light that is getting brighter as we approach the end. So bright, in fact, that we are now seriously discussing a spring vacation. The biggest question right now is whale watching on the northern California coast or soaking up the warm sun on South Padre Island? Actually, I feel myself drawn a little more to the warmth option since I am always freezing these days.

I have a MUGA scan on Monday and another treatment on Friday. I have an introduction to my Cancer patient exercise class on Monday and a fitness test on Wednesday. Should be an interesting week.


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