Wow...what a full week-end...full of Christmas activities.
Saturday I really wanted to tick a bunch of things off my "Getting Ready" list. I didn't accomplish all that I had hoped, but I didn't let it bother me or stress me out. I just did the best I could with the energy I had. I did venture out to the Mall...bad decision for someone whose tank is running on empty. What a lot of energy that took. But, it really didn't bother me. I just remembered that last year I was unable to do it at all and tried to "enjoy" the experience. Then, I got started on my wrapping. That is always such a big job but one that I have always enjoyed. Love finding the perfect wrap and the ribbon that looks good with it. I'm big on color schemes so that everything looks awesome sitting under the tree. This year I'm doing teal and silver to match the room decor. It's metallic and looks very festive.

Pastor John, in his message today, reminded people that they need to pause the busy treadmill of life and once again take the time to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. (Actually, that is a paraphrase, not his exact words - can't remember exactly how he said it but you get the idea. Sorry, John. Hope I didn't butcher it too badly.) Great advice.
After church, I made dinner for Michelle and the grandkids and then went out to East for my grandsons basketball game. Came home and did a little more wrapping and finished off the busy weekend with a drive through the Living Nativity. A truly jam packed weekend...for me, anyway, but very satisfying. Just a few more days and the kids will be here.
Chemo on Thursday. I guess he has ordered several new blood workups for that day as well so, hopefully, I will "pass" those tests. Hoping my white counts have gone back up. We'll see.
Enjoy the rest of these days leading up to Christmas. My wish for all of you is a very blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
I can't begin to tell you how happy I was to see you guys drive in tonight. It's so good to have you back in the swing of things ( even if you're not swinging from the rafters just yet ) - you don't have to be. You've traveled a long road, lady - and my hope and prayer is that this is a year of health, happiness, joy and peace for you all. Take care and enjoy the week - Jean
ReplyDeleteYou are doing a great job at preparing for this holiday season. Bet this week will not pass quickly enough as you wait for all of your kids to come home.
ReplyDeleteAs we celebrate the birth of our savior, may you celebrate this coming year with all good news and the best of health.
Merry Christmas to you and your family,
Cindy B, :-)